Sunday, April 7, 2013

Finding Peace During a Frenzy

I was a little out of my comfort zone about this weekend.  My schedule was packed.  I would not have chosen it that way, but forces of nature had other plans for me.  I had my normal routine for both Saturday and Sunday. 

5am - Wake Up, Meditation, Prayer
6am - Exercise or Writing
7am - 9am - Work, Prep for Day, Breakfast
10am-1pm - Teach 2 Zumba classes

It was the anticipation of everything I had planned after my routine, that pushed my stress button.  There are two types of stress.  Eustress and Distress.  Eustress is the stress you experience from pushing yourself toward a positive outcome.  For example, meeting a personal deadline to put together a business plan.  Distress is experienced when we are overwhelmed and feel out of control.  Eustress is beneficial while Distress is crippling.  My stress button that was pushed was of Eustress.  I had a series of events planned for both Saturday and Sunday that were filled with opportunities for me to expand my Health Coaching practice.  The fact that my day was packed though, gave me the sense that I was rushing which made me feel exhausted before I even got started. 

After my routine on Saturday I lead a Master Class with another instructor.  I had already taught 2 classes that morning and I was about to teach for another hour and a half.  I walked into the studio feeling brain dead.  Not that I didn't want to be there but my body really wanted to just lie down.  The light turned on as soon as I started to see my students walk in.  I became fully energized by their smiling faces and enthusiasm.  The energy in that room was so high with positivity, joy, love, and laughter.  I felt a sudden high.  The class ended with lots of sweat and smiles. 

I had 45 minutes to transition from teaching a high intensity Zumba class to leading a calming meditation.  I had to rush home, freshen up, prep my space, and ground myself before my clients arrived.  Thankfully, they were late.  It was the first time my clients ever meditated.  They learned through the meditation practice how calming the mind is essential to healthy living.  Not only did this give new insight to my clients, but it also helped me reconnect with my own intentions. 

When my clients left, I realized my parking meter ran out of time.  I quickly put on my shoes, grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys.  I really only needed my keys if I was just going to move my car to a different spot on my street.  My old voices where talking to me though and were telling me to move my car to the Baja Fresh parking lot.  While I was there, might as well get a bean and cheese burrito.  Sitting in the car, with the engine running, I stopped to check in.  What is really going on?  What am I feeling?  I did somewhat of a self dialogue that sounded a little like this,

"What do you need right now?"
"I am exhausted and hungry.  I've been running around all day and haven't had a chance to eat dinner.  I have one more private session to go, but I just need some comfort before I go on."
"Sounds like your day was really full and you are being pushed to your limits.  I know that can be exhausting.  Can you feed yourself something that will give you more energy to continue on with your last session?  Can you then treat yourself to a soothing bath so that you can relax your fatigued mind and body?"
"That sounds really nice.  Yes, I can do that"

I shifted my gear into drive and parked my car up the street.....far away from Baja Fresh.    How many times have I been this exhausted and hungry in the past and ended up at Baja Fresh with a feast to put me right to sleep.  As soon as I stopped to check in, I gave myself the choice to really give my body what it really craved. 

After I conducted my last session, it was 9:30pm and I was ready to have some relaxation and comfort.  I ran a hot bath with some Arbonne Sea Salts from the Spa Collection.  I had my Pandora playing in the background fixed on the Yoga Station.  While laying in the warm water, I caught up on some reading which generated some brainstorming.  I then allowed myself to just be present.  To feel the warm water against my skin.  To smell the Eucalyptus from the sea salts.  To hear the meditative music in the background.  I felt incredibly relaxed and happy.  A bean and cheese burrito was no competition.  It felt so good to take care of my body that I even had a nice long stretch session after my bath.  I laid in bed feeling completely grateful for the day.  I fell asleep within minutes.   

I have another packed day today (sunday).  After I teach 2 Zumba classes, I am leading a Wellness Workshop on Life Balance and then heading out to a Pole Dance Show with some friends.  All good stuff! However, I am not feeling the same stress as I was yesterday.  I feel more empowered and relaxed because I proved to myself that I make healthy choices despite hectic environments.  I practiced Self-Care in a moment when I would have turned to food to comfort me.  When we add up all these small successes we create a huge leap forward.

I shared my busy day with you because we all have those days.  We all have those moments of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, etc.  It's about finding peace when our environments our hectic.  Hopefully my story gives some insight as to how to empower yourself when these hectic moments occur.   When you spend your day giving to others, how do you give back to yourself?  How do you practice Self-Care so that you are rejuvenated and recharged?  Do you check in with yourself throughout the day?  What do you do to slow down and be in the present moment?

Check in or Check out? Mindfulness or Mindlessness?  Your choice.  Choose wisely and lovingly.

Want to learn more about more about making positive shifts in your wellbeing? Visit my website at to learn more about Wellness Coaching. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Power of Intention

We've all heard of the saying "Fake it til you make it."  What if I were to tell you there is some actual truth to that concept?!  It goes hand in hand with setting an intention that truly comes from your heart.  What do you want?  To be lean?  To have more free time in your life to travel?  To have more energy?  You can have it as long as you believe you can.  You become whatever you believe.  Thoughts are that powerful because they will lead our actions.  It is the driving force behind manifesting what you want in life.  If your intention is to lose weight, believe that you will lose weight.  Believe that you are lean already.  Visualize yourself as a lean person.  What activities do you see yourself doing as a lean person?  Then take actions throughtout the day that a lean person takes.  This is where that "Fake it til you make it comes it" comes in. :)  You become more conscious of what you're eating, because now you are eating like a lean person.  It goes beyond eating.  It's about living the lifestyle of a lean person or whatever your intended outcome is.

Thrive Tip
Setting Intentions and Taking Action   
  1. First thing in the morning (before you do anything), write down your intention for the day. 
  2. Sit with this intention for about 5 minutes.  Close your eyes and visualize yourself with the intended outcome. 
  3. Throughout the day, "Fake it til you make it." If you're not sure what to do, then a little research may be required here.  Find out what it takes for your intended outcome to manifest.  Then break it up into steps that you can incorporate into your life everyday. 
  4. Affirm your intention throughout the day with positive motivational statements.....affirmations. 
  5. Trust the process.  To be your best self, sometimes you have to do things that feel uncomfortable.  Challenge yourself to break free of any fears and to trust that you are following your heart.  There is much to be learned in the process and this is actually where all the growing takes places for lifelong changes to occur.   
  6. If you start to say "I can't, " then ask yourself, "If I could, then what would I do?"  Then do it. :)  
Power Thought
"I deserve the best and I accept the best now,
I am mentally and emotionally equipped to
enjoy a prosperous and loving
life. It is my birthright to
deserve all good.
I claim my good." - Louise Hay
Want to learn more about more about making positive shifts in your wellbeing? Visit my website at to learn more about Wellness Coaching.