Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring into Positive Change

Happy Easter!  Another day to express gratitude for BEING!  An opportunity to connect with our loved ones.  A season to cleanse and to allow recreation. 

When we look at our lives, the natural rhythm is to have mountains and valleys.  To have joy and anger.  To have peace and to suffer.  It's what makes us all human.  We all have experienced these feelings at some point and our personal stories help connect us. We get to choose how long we want to stay in these valleys.  Through mindfulness and self-compassion practices, we are able to minimize the time we spend suffering and maximize our time for peaceful growth.  When I'm in a "valley," I always turn to repeating "This too shall pass."  It does.  Failure is non existent because everytime we fall we have the opportunity to get back up.  Failure is in our mindset when we don't believe in ourselves.  It is not a fact nor reality.  If we choose to believe in ourselves, then everything becomes a lesson or a message to help us grow. 

How do we grow?  How are we planting seeds for our personal development? What are we doing to blossom into our best selves?  

Thrive Tip
Spring into Postive Change Exercise 
  1. Write down 2-3 different challenges in your life.  How did you overcome them?  How did that experience recreate you?
  2. From these challenges, what specific strengths did you realize you had?  Perserverence? Patience? Etc.  How can these strengths move you forward toward your goals today?
  3. Create a Vision Board!!!  Spring is a time for rebirth and recreation.  Manifest what your heart desires and goals by creating a vision board.  I have 2 because everything on my first one has happened!  It's a fun activity you can do with your family and friends. 
    1. Collect several magazines from different interests that appeal to you.
    2. Cut out pictures that symbolize what you want.  There is no limit or rules!  
    3. Post these pictures on a big poster board.   Some people like to put it away, others like to display it for inspiration.  I have mine in the Helpful People, Blessings, and Travel Bagua of my home (Feng Shui).     

Power Thought
"Every thought I think is creating my future.
The universe totally supports every thought I
Choose to thnk and believe.
I have unlimited choices about what I think.
I choose
balance, harmony, and peace, and I
express it in my life."
- Louise Hay
Want to learn more about more about making positive shifts in your wellbeing? Visit my website at to learn more about Wellness Coaching.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thrive with Self-Compassion

Welcome to my new blog focused on providing THRIVE TIPS to help you move forward in life.  My approach is to focus on Self-Compassion or Self-Love as the vehicle toward attaining your best health.  When we come from a place of Self-Compassion, we make choices for ourselves that honor our mind, body, and spirit. 

I recently co-hosted a women's wellness retreat in Joshua Tree.  Not only did we do fun stuff like Zumba and Yoga, but we also dug deep to uncover what is really stopping us from being our best self.  So many of us have packed schedules where we are doing stuff for others all day!  When do we give back to ourselves?  How does that effect our overall wellbeing?  At this retreat, I did a 2 hour workshop on Self-Compassion and how it affects our wellness.  When we practice Self-Compassion we invest in ourselves energetically and monetarily.  What soothes us in a healthy way that will allow us to grow and thrive?  Attending Zumba classes?  Getting a massage? Attending wellness retreats?  Reading personal development books?  Being in nature?  Spending time with pets?  As I was on this topic of investing in ourselves, one participant share her epiphany.  Her New Years Resolution was to invest more in her health and since then her whole life has improved.  When we choose Self-Compassion, we invest in ourselves and the side effect is that we end up helping others as well.  We change and grow which can inspire others to do the same.  Watch how relationships, work, stress level, and overall life improves! 
Thrive Tip 
  • Try writing down all those barriers and the feeling behind it.  For example, is it fear of failure that is stopping you from starting a weight loss program?
  • Become aware of the feeling and see it just as it is.  Do not suppress it, but instead tell yourself that it is just a thought. 
  • Our thoughts become our reality.  What strengths do you have to help you move forward through this barrier?  Reflect on past moments where you've accomplished something. 
  • Choose Self-Compassion.  How can you move forward by taking actions based on Self-Love?
Power Thought
As Henry Ford stated, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." There is power in our thoughts.  Choose Wisely. 
"Loving others is easy, when I love and accept myself
My heart is open. I allow my love to flow freely. 
I love myself.
I love others and others love me."
- Louise Hay
Want to learn more about more about making positive shifts in your wellbeing?  Visit my website at to learn more about Wellness Coaching.